emo, girls, emo girls, scene girls, music, hardcore, screamo, hxc, sxe, pirates, hair, hxc dancing, being ironic, crying, sleeping, driving, neons, spinnahs, tying knots, pizza, shows, bandanas, bananas, hanggliding, thrift stores, tight jeans, white belts, small shirts, living, photography, photoshop, guitar, synth, bass, not looking at the camera, breathing, starbucks, super markets, record stores, vinyl, old skool, 415, skydiving, bungee jumping, emo, bands, taking pictures, kindergarten, board games, family fun, saunas, emocise, food, poker, yum yum, taco bell, frosties, you, sitting, sleeping, laptops, robbery, super heros, 2-step, myspace, girls, movies, fun, cell phones, small animals, airplanes, the axe effect, sidekick 2, knives, guns, xcore's, loudness, screaming, singing, eating, chicks, beef, acoustic, electricity, modern technology, cuddling, making out, macaroni cards, cereal, bowling, casio, piercings, tattoos, art, creativity, energy drinks, boats, cliff hangers, to be continued....
Scene Girls!
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anything involving screaming, emotions, pelvic thrusting and hxc dancing
For those of you who don't know...he is the late drummer of Bayside who tragically passed away on 10/31/05