"Top o' the world, Ma!"
I posted some of my Old Time Radio Shows on the net. Click below if you'd like to listen!"Like millions of others, I’m a writer. I’m a quiet, thoughtful kinda guy and I guess pretty old fashioned in some ways. "A boring old romantic, that's me" as the Mellencamp song goes...
I’m interested in a lot of things; I’ve worked as a live-sound engineer and a recording engineer and had a lotta fun with that. Back when I was a kid I wanted to be a cartoonist (hence my pal in the picture here. That’s Woody , who kept me occupied during many boring math classes). I used to play guitar and bass, but after a few years, I kinda burned out on all of that. Someday I'll get back to that and drawing as well.
In 2000, I helped my buddy set up a recording studio in CP and I’m still there from time to time whenever an extra set of good ears are required.
As of right now, I’m back at the same job I left behind years ago. (Going back to the job you left behind is a real bummer. But it sure as hell beats being completely broke!) But unless the fates are against me, I will get something better ASAP!
But I do finally have some long term plans and goals!
As Sinatra sang, "If there ain't nothing shaking come this here July, I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die!"
Above all, I am a writer. It’s just what I do. I don’t expect to ever become rich or famous because of it. (But it would be nice!)
"Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn't 'in touch' with his feelings. He just did what he had to do."
--Tony Soprano
Bring Back Prohibition!
(I need a better job.)
"Hey pal, yer drinkin' like I'm supposed to!
--Dean Marin
Dean Martin looks heavenward and emplores, "Don't just look down! Help me!"
Words To Live By From Frank Sinatra!
"I'm a 14 karat manic depressive. Capable of extreme highs and excruciating lows."
"Be true to yourself. And stay away from dark thoughts."
"Ya' gotta love livin', baby, cause dying's a pain in the ass!"