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About Me

What I wanna do is to be able to secure a good single or double leg and control the pace. I wanna make the other person back up ASAP. I will tie up, go for the shot, snap downs, arm drags, go for the double underhooks off of tie ups, whatever you name it. I need to make my game more intense. I also like to hike up Mission Peak, and there's a trail that bazz told me about thats like hella steep and I wanna go up there with packs but he doesn't wanna. That's weak sauce yO.Anyways, tap nap or snap!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that is really good with settin up shots, esp the double leg. Anyone that has a really good guard game as well. I'd like to learn more on the fundamentals and improve my guard so if I go to Mcdonalds and run into trouble with some peeps I can pull guard and be okay. I will pull guard in broken glass, pavement, magma, sand, sand-dust, whatever it may be, I'm very savvy when it comes to pullin guard.

My Blog

US Open XII Pre - Competition Thoughts....

Well for those of you who don't know, tomorrow is a huge day for me. It's Claudio Franca's 12th US Open for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. (BJJ) My first thoughts are my weight and my weight CLASS. I'm competin...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 18:18:00 GMT