Let's just go for it. No holding back. No letting go. No waivering mind changes. Now is our chance. Here we go...Less...I am an insignificant guy who through one Person has been flipped to an identity of significance.Blessed...God is real, and therefore I am truly blessed. If the only thing He ever gave me was salvation through Jesus Christ, then that would be enough to classify me as blessed. But He has gone so far beyond that. Every day He gives me more than I could ever imagine. I am an heir to the almighty, everlasting, holy God, and you are too if you call Him Savior.Real...or at least I try to be...I try my best(I know I mess up more than not)to be a real, devoted follower to the REAL God that I serve. Anybody that knows me knows that I screw up...A Lot! But the first step to being real is admitting that you aren't perfect. So there you have it, I'm not perfect. However, if I come in contact with you I pray that I will be real and show you a love that is true.