Argon Hennley will take you on an incredible journey through what you are currently experiencing right here and now. Laying down a soundtrack for your life as you know it, AH tops the lounge act charts and signs incredible numbers as the hit for 2008. Collaborating since 1998, Argon and AtPD perform shakin instrumental pieces combed together by surreal soundscapes. This is your journey, we are just happy to provide the flying carpet.
Argon Hennley.
Leader of the force duo, Argon is a man humble at the keys yet fierce in the studio. Enjoys a soft melodic tune overtop a lush mellow pad. Probably an alien contactee but that information is not 100% verified. We should know more information on this soon.
Alan the Pirate Dog.
A different individual who is a master of equipment and a bloodthirsty beat-o-holic. Responsible for the night to night operations and keeping the fridge stocked with pomegranate brain juice.