Frank and I met ten years ago, we had so much in common in our taste in music that it was our best topic of conversation. About four years ago we decided to take it more seriously and share the music we made. We started looking for bandmates but never had the luck. We played only once in Tijuana and wanted to play more but then I moved to Austin, TX. In my last visit to Tijuana we decided to record a few of our songs with the help of our great friend Mr. Haro (Your friendly neighborhood music producer) in Frank's apartment. Our recording experience was exciting, enlightening and emotional. We were excited to record these songs since all of them represent very personal experiences in our lives.
Enable to share this with the public we wanted to record them as raw and emotional as possible. We are not letting distance get in the way and plan to keep on making music together. Hope you enjoy our songs.<Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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