My interests are Football as we call it back home ( but Americans call it soccer). I also enjoy going out and having fun with my pals. I am a keen all round sportsman . plus been known 2 hit the few low rounds in at the golf ..... but i dont count lost balls haha
Anyone who is fun :-)
Oasis, starsailor,U2,bLUR,Richard Ashcroft, ROBBIE WILLIAMS (He is the MAN) kooks, nelly I also like to sing abit of the Karoke wi the lads when we are out ( im bad, but its all for fun )
BRAVEHEART, rambo, schindlers list, pulp fiction, road trip , American pie :-) Van Wilder like any movies really
Lord of the Rings, commando, some chick flicks :-)
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Only fools and horses nothing can beat it except mibby rab c nisbet :)
Match of the day , the young 1's and still game good SCOTTISH comedy :)
and still game classic scottish humour
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Gazza's book no 1 !!!!! and SHOOT from when i was younger :)))) plus read Beckhams book its shit schindlers list is a cracker aswell
My heroes are my Mum love u so much :-) and my gran Liam (trigger) Os is my biggest hero he is sadly missed lots, still think about u everyday and i play for u trigger. Live life to the fullest, because you never know whats round the corner !!!Also my grandad who sadly died this summer 06 he was a legend 2 me