monika i had a dream with you in it i would like to tell was you me and mick and we were going into a hotel room to stay the night but there was a man's belongings still in it, and you said to just throw it all on the floor and that he would come back and get them, so we did, and then i heard him coming and i quickly shut and locked the door and turned off the lights and you and mick got into the bed and i was on the floor but then another door opened and he and my mom came through it, and my mom came and comforted me because i was scared of the man, and the man brought in a newborn baby for you, nice and pink, and handed it to you, you were adopting it, and it was now your baby, and you loved it so much, and then it turned into a hotel room / beach and the floor was all sand and you brought the baby down by me and laid it in the sand and it got all sandy and i wiped the sand off and was rubbing its little tummy and loving it too