Aging Sporadic profile picture

Aging Sporadic

"Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste bette

About Me

Hi. Welcome to my profile. Not much I can say about myself other than the fact that I'm what city folk like to call "a very interesting character".I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
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My Interests

Video gaming, drawing/sketching, taking care of my pet, cooking for myself, not getting injuries, doing what is needed to be done in a quick and near-accurate way, hanging out with my friends whom I've known since grade school, listening to whatever music happens to catch my certain interests, typing long things every chance I get when bored, talking about past experiences in life that others may find humorous, slacking off, and imagining things and scenarios. Oh And if you care to challenge me at Brawl, here's my info. Just message me when you're ready for me.

I'd like to meet:

Any animators of my favorite shows or good actors. And now for something completely different.


Rock, alot of Indie, Metal, Solid Gold Oldies, 90's, 80's, 70's, Classic Rock, Swing/Big Band, Jazz/Blues, Reggae, Ska, Orchestral Music (Usually for games or something else), Disco, Japanese Rock, R&B, Folk, some Hiphop/Rap (Usually with a lot of cursing), and that's pretty much it.


Shitloads of cult films, comedies, documentaries, CGI films (I'm a big time Pixar whore), and scary films that are in fact or in theory scary.


Random shit on Secret Stash, Comedy specials, Ben 10, The Secret Saturdays (Soon enough), Penn & Teller: Bullshit Experience, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Family Guy, Mike Lu & Og (OLD show from back in the day), and that's all for now.


Naruto, One Piece, Shonen Jump, Kingdom Hearts(Manga Scans), Sonic Comix, Brave New World, Trigun(2 part series), Shadow Star, Different Shell Silverstein poetry books, Calvin and Hobbes compilation books, Garfield books, Lies Your Parents Told you, The Boondocks(Most of it, anyway), New Rules, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fahrenheit 451, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Megaman NT Warrior, bits and pieces of Hellsing, and alot of the Animorphs series books way back in grade school in grade school. Most of these I was forced into reading.


Animators who don't use flash animation for their cartoons.

My Blog

Well that’s a wrap on summer.

Honestly, nothing really eventful or noteworthy happened this summer. I mean sure, I reconnected with a couple of friends, got the chance to see a good friend of mine and work with him for possibly th...
Posted by Aging Sporadic on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 08:26:00 PST