~Xuxi~ profile picture


About Me

Those who know me well enough and those I trust, either one of the two, don't need me to explain how I am or the kind of people I admire, love, and like to be around. Those of you know who you are. This could be a short summary...
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My Interests

My main interest is drawing. I don't do much of that though
Pregnancy Survey
About You
Name?: Xuxa
Age?: 15
Height?: 4 ft. 10 in.
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 110
About The Father
Name?: Julio
Age?: 16
Height?: 5ft. 6in.
Are you still together?: YES!
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant?: September 13
Was it planned?: No
What was your first reaction?: What the fuck?!
Who was with you when you found out?: Julio
Who was the first person you told?: Maria R.
How did your parents react?: Mom got pissed and Dad was ok with it
How far along are you?: Almost 5 months
What was your first symptom?: Missed Period
What is your due date?: May 19 2007
Do you know the sex of the baby?: Maybe
If so, what is it?: Might be a boy!
Have you picked out names?: Yup
If so, what are they?: If it's a boy Alexander probably, I don't really have names picked out if it's a boy.
How much weight have you gained?: Lost 11 pounds then regained 8 pounds
Do you have stretch marks?: Nope!!!
Have you felt the baby move?: Yes!!!
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Of course!!!!!
About the birth
Will you keep the baby?: Yup.
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: Medicated
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Julio for sure. Don't know if anyone else yet.
Will you breastfeed?: Yup.
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: Don't know.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Yes!
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: "I will always love you no matter what."
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: Hell no
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Excited and scared. More excited though.
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Best type of music out there is ROCK!!!!


I would have to say that my favorite stuff to watch on TV or The Simpsons, Family Guy, and King of the Hill


Mystery and some Sci-Fi books are the best!!!!