At the beginning of the year 1990, in Lima-Peru, after several rehearsals, a group of friends next to Antonio Azabache (vocalist), Walter Becerra (guitar) and other members, they decide to rush a death metal project the band NECROTOSIGO. After some months, by the middle of the same year they change the name for SUPPLICIUM, and for problems of time and some members' studies, the band didn't arise like it was expected.In 1991 Antonio Azabache and Walter Becerra (voice and guitar) decided to recapture the band, they know César Suárez (guitar) with a better vision and with the idea of making better the things. At the little time of looking for a Bassist for the band, they find Mario Paz, where Supplicium has a more stable formation to look for and to prove to several drummers, finding Oscar Antúnez of Mayolo (drums) then this way to recruit it and to already have an alignment defined, with the intention of to compose songs and to play in concerts of the Limean scene.And it was this way, already prepared with this alignment, at the end of 1991 debuting in a called bar "Malambito" in the center of Lima, with very good acceptance summons us to a series of concerts in Lima, the whole year 1992, beside band locals as Anal Vomit, Kranium, Mortala, Mortem, Hadez, Cancerbero and among many other and in the city of Arequipa until beginnings of 1993, being known this way by the metal scene in Peru.Supplicium had also participated in the compilatory "Cuero Negro" with two recordings "Brutal Hate" and "Agonysm" Also with interviews in different fanzines.After scarce concerts in the year 1993 and for problems of time and differences of interests, the band is dissolved for this whole long time. There was always an interest but anything concrete in gathering the band since they were unconcluded many things.Some members passed to form part of other bands like Oscar Antúnez of Mayolo (Hadez and Dios HatÃo), Mario Paz passed to be part of Epilepsia (1997 - 2004)Already at the end of the year 2007 after 14 years of being had dissolved the band, Antonio, Mario and César, as main members, they decide to recapture with force the idea of resurging the band with a purpose; to record the songs, now classics, and to play in all the concerts; uniting to the bandRoberto Leonardi in the drums and Javier Sánchez-RodrÃguez in the bass guitar.With a new alignment, Antonio Azabache (vocals), César Suárez (guitar), Mario Paz (guitar), Roberto Leonardi (drums) and Javier Sánchez-RodrÃguez (bass), recapturing our old songs: Agonysm, Brutal Hate, Rebellion, Secret of Pain, and new songs made up with the only idea of always making Death Metal.
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