yadda yadda yadda So I'm this and that, here we are, what are we going to do? see ya around...
Which South Park boy are you?
this quiz was made by Zuzu!
anything that interests me
cool people.
I can keep a beat.
anything Arnold "Get to the chopper!!!" AVP, SAW, Incredibles, Shaun of the dead, if it's on film I'll probably watch it...
The Simpsons, Family Guy, Deadwood, Carnivale, History channel, Discovery, Food Network of course Comedy Central, I watch a lot of tv
More like authors, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Asimov, Ludlum, Grisman, Piers Anthony, Steve Perry, just to name a few sshhhhhhhhh I'm reading.
Rich Little (I try but no one can do voices like that man) Ben Franklin (Statesman and Ambassador, Inventor, and ladies man! You go boy!) Arnold (of course)- "it's not a tumor" to be continued...