I like a little bit of everything. You name it I'm probably into it. Some examples: youth, laughter, hugs, good hair, horseplay, costumes, prank calls, dancing, sneakers, video games, narcissism and fellow narcissists, biking, sculpture, photography, things that are free, perfect bacon, bacon waffles, salad, the south ferry, sports, parties, pinatas, mozzerella cheese,pistachios, "good" music, "bad" music, shorts, sarcasm, cynicism, breaking stereotypes, breaking minor laws, being a successful slacker, good competition, being hip, tropical flavored trident gum, making out, beer, lillies, cocoa butter, fake myspace friends, people who smell good, necking...
people who smell goodish.
Everything. People would be surprised at the shit I listen to. Dont think just cuz I'm from the Bronx I'm not with it.?!?!
The ones I can pirate off the internet.
Not really. Although I make exceptions for the Lword.
Lots of them, though I cant remember the titles...Damn Weed!
Single mothers,people who process info not regurgitate it,Art Gangstas,Shanna Zentner,Tomas Manon,Da Da Da Da Da band ,unlabelled people,Leonard and Mary Crow Dog,My high school economics teacher(I love you Ms. Augustoupoulos), Saturday Program, Lacy Austin, Mom and sisters, my niece Noodles, oh and of course Peter Cooper.