TOAIUB profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

The Terrorist Organisation Against the Improper Use of Bread was established on July 20th, 1990. It's current President and Candidate for the 2369 Election for Ruler of the Universe is Laura.
We stand as the promotor of breadily well-being everywhere and try to reach as many loaves as possible.
We encourage every individual type of bread to stand up and be counted for the appreciated and useful item they are.
We believe every loaf of bread has the potential to be an upstanding member of society.
If given a chance, we believe breads of all nationalities would rise to the challenge of making the world a better place.
We believe the qualities, skills and attributes of bread would enable society to develop and evolve into a super-society capable of wonderous and magical things.
The Terrorist Organisation Against the Improper Use of Bread condones slight terrorism in the form of loud noises, large balloons and violent confetti.
The Terrorist Organisation Against the Improper Use of Bread holds no threat towards those with the intention of encouraging breadily well-being.
Will you support us in our attempt to protect the lives and encourage the rights of bread everywhere?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Terrorist Organisation Against the Improper Use of Bread would like to meet potential party members and anyone willing to support our cause.

My Blog

Bread - Wiki-style.

Bread is a staple food around the world that is prepared by baking a dough of flour and water.[1] It may be leavened or unleavened. Salt, fat and a leavening agent such as yeast are common ingredient...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:31:00 GMT