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I am here for Friends

About Me

Sometimes mistaken for a Geek, I am actually a Nerd who majored in Art. Also, I frequently type captchas wrong the first one or two times. However, myspace and/or facebook posts from me seldom resemble computer-generated spam. (I hope.)


The Wild Rose

Random Brutal Love Dreamer ( RBLD )

Colorful, but unpicked. You are The Wild Rose.

Prone to bouts of cynicism, sarcasm, and thorns, you excite a certain kind of man. Hoping to gather you up, he flirts and winks and asks you out, ultimately professing his love. Then you make him bleed. Why? Because you're the rare, independent, self-sufficient kind of woman who does want love, but not from a weakling.

You don't seem to take yourself too seriously, and that's refreshing. You aren't uptight; you don't over-plan. Romance-wise, sex isn't a top priority--a true relationship would be preferable. For your age, you haven't had a lot of bonafide love experience, though, and this kind of gets to core of the issue. You're very selective.

The problem is them, not you, right? You have lofty standards that few measure up to. You're out there all right, but not to be picked up by just anyone.

Your exact female opposite:

The Dirty Little Secret

Deliberate Gentle Sex Master

Always avoid: The Bachelor (DGSM)

Consider: The Vapor Trail (RBLM)

Link: The Online Dating Persona Test | OkCupid - dating services

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Digital TV is OK

This is just to say, after returning the first one I bought, and submitting a huffy rant barely masked as a question at, I have now embraced my new digital tuner.  It is ugly, but it works...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 23:27:00 GMT

Its An Acceptable Life

There are various reasons to dislike the movie "It's A Wonderful Life." The whole device of the angel visiting and showing the hero the error of his thinking is sappy and tired. It's depressing that...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:28:00 GMT

dreams I dont have

I had a very vivid dream today (I sleep during the day) about the Salvation Army I used to frequent in college.  This Salvation Army was in Hornell New York, and it was in some kind of converted ...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 07:32:00 GMT

Recent books.

I am getting behind in logging my reading.  I am currently reading the second of two compilations of Ring Lardner stories, and "Revelry," a contemporary novel based on the Warren Harding administ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:07:00 GMT

Death to

I had been using and enjoying for several months.  It seemed like a good way to keep track of what I have read and when I read it.  The option to network with friends and excha...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:08:00 GMT

Hillary Clinton anachronism

this is from a blog carried by the Wall Street Journal. if this is true, these Hillary "supporters" are probably more to be pitied than censured. Usually, I'm more likely to be dismissive than censo...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 06:12:00 GMT


I dread the changeover to mandatory digital TV. This seems like a bad idea from a civic standpoint, and it also impinges on my lifestyle. At Dollar-a-Pound the other day, there was a very attractive...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 20:01:00 GMT


I formally accuse Hillary Clinton of trying to kill Ted Kennedy.Hillary Presses OnTed Kennedy Hospitalized with Symptoms of StrokeI don't care if he did kill that girl that one time; I'll miss Ted Ken...
Posted by on Sat, 17 May 2008 15:07:00 GMT

Fact vs. opinion: which is more true?

In grade school, I remember being taught that there is a difference between facts and opinions. My teachers even tried to demonstrate what that difference is. This was in the Days of Dittos. I reme...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 06:04:00 GMT