~AnDrEa~ profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

found this fashion layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

IlOvE eVeRyThInG aBoUt Tha 80'S, fRoM tHa HaIr To ThA cLoThEs, MuSiC tHa MoViEs. AnD tHa nUmBeR 1 ViDeO GaMe tEtRiS!

I'd like to meet:

ThErE cOmEs A pOiNt In Ur LiFe WhEn YoU rEaLiZe WhO mAtTeRs,whO never d!d, & whO always wIlL.dOnT wOrRy AbOuT pEoPlE iN yOuR pAsT, tHeReS a ReAsOn WhY tHeY dIdNt MaKe It In To YoUr FuTuRe. I'm down to meeting anyone just as long as your real and upfront.


ThA 1 AnD oNlY gOd