Cedar Link Music Inc. was founded officially in Bermuda in 2005 by Young Luka also known as rapper Comanchi-Lu.
Luka has been into the music scene for the better part of his life, from singin with choirs and groups as a youth,
to playing in various bands and ensembles in high school.
Along with this Lu gained a strong interest in hip-hop and has been rapping seriously since 1995.
He started out with Thomas James aka Tommy Boy or Dot Tom, a name given to him by Comanchi-Lu in a freestyle.
In his second year of high school he met wit another promising MC who had just moved to Bermuda from New York.
His name was Kemal Collins, then known as Shogun Assassin, now known simply as Mal of LandMind Music. He proved to the very thing Lu needed to hone his skills.
Although this partership did lead to Luka being kicked out of high school, mainly because of him skipping class to rap in the music room, it ulimately made him "one hell of a rapper".
"Every day turned to Instrumental, I ain't give a S**t about the other subjects...so i skipped"
(a line from 'My Life' - Comanchi-Lu)Fast forward to the present and Young Luka is ready to put his hood and Bermuda on the map. Armed with an arsenal of beats and a team of hungry mcs, djs and singers waiting in the wing
CedarLink music is certainly a force to be reckoned with. More info to come, stay tuned...Your results:
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