joey profile picture


helium dreams.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



On Rotation: Miessiaen / Underworld / SSD / MDC / Supertramp / Led Zeppelin /Trentemoller / Polygon Window / Wax Tailor / Amon Tobin / Mad Professor / Aphex Twin / King Tubby / Eric B and Rakim / Art Blakey/ Cut Copy / Bob Dylan / Burial / Stars of the Lid / Shinjuku Zulu / Minor Threat / M83/ Wagner - "Seigfried's Funeral March" / Black Uhuru / Moondog / Cream / James Chance / The Slits / Eluvium/ Mos Def / Minor Threat / Isolee / Mum / Pharcyde / Black Flag / X / Schubert - "Arpeggione" /Stiff Little Fingers / Lead Belly.....Always playing: Coltrane


"Drawing Restraint 9"/ "Amacord" / "Paris is Burning"/ "Roma"/"Kids"/ "The Third Man" / "The Filth and the Fury"/ "Black Orpheus" / "Donnie Darko" / "Grey Gardens"/ "Southland Tales" / "Otto e Mezzo" / "Brazil" / "The Ruling Class"/ "Irreversible" / "The Doors" / "The Cremaster Cycle"/ "La Jatte" / "The Hunger"/ "American Hardcore" / "Rasberry Reich"/ "Downtown 81" / "My Own Private Idaho"/ "Giant" / "Subway" / "Les Samurai" / "The Man Who Fell to the Earth" / anything by Chris Marker


Nausea / Sartre - A Man's Fate/ Malraux - Answer to Job / Jung - Seven Pillars of Wisdon/ Lawrence - White Noise/ DeLilo - Art and Fear/ Virilio - Pale Fire/ Nabokov- Independence Day/ Ford - Berlin Stories/ Isherwood - Madme. Bovary/Flaubert - The Second Sex/ Simone de Beaviour - East of Eden / Steinbeck - Ulysses / Joyce - On the Shortness of Life/ Seneca - Twilight of the Idols/ Nietzche - The Naked and the Dead/ Mailer - On the Pleasure of Hating/ Hazlitt - Democracy Matters/West - Reliance/Emmerson - The Iceman Commeth/ O'Neil - Paris Spleen/Baudelaire ...Rimbaud, Plath, Ginsburg, Cummings, goes on and on.