"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain
Yes, I am a kittyholic.
Suffice to say I have five addictions/obsessions:
My cats - can't live without them, they are spoiled little beasts who absolutely rule my life
Books - the best past time ever, I'm an obsessed bookworm
TV shows - I've got a good number of faves which I need to watch and rewatch every now and then. And I'm absolutely addicted to Supernatural
Music - I thrive on listening to my favourite stuff
Play-by-Email role playing games - that's where I let my creative juices flow... ah the dreams of writing a real book one day...
Hexe - ciemna czerwien skrzeplej krwi czern wlosów rozsypanych wiatrem piersi biale i drobne. Plecie wlosy chmur w dlugie ciezkie warkocze rozsnuwa lodygi deszczu. Na zlotym promieniu slonca jak na miotle wjezdza w brame siedmioskrzydlej teczy. Zamykaja sie usta kolorów wokól zwinietych bioder. Waska pieta szalona z milosci kopie slonce i poprzez niebo odchodzi w swiat inny i blizszy. Jej spekanym wargom i wlosom. Hexe.(~H. Poswiatowska - Czarownica)
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