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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey everyone this is my life. There are pics to go along with it, but it wont let me put them on here. If you know how to do that please let me know thanks.My Autobiography I well first off I would like to start off by introducing myself. My Name Is Ryan David Bentley. I was born to my mother Barbara Thurman and my father Arlen Bentley on September 24th, 1990 in Denver Co at St. Joseph’s Hospital At 4:17 P.M. I was Full-term over due and weighed just 4 Lbs. 15 Oz. and was 21 inches long/tall. I was given my First name because it means Little King and I was given my middle name because it means Beloved One and it was also my uncle’s name.My mother Barbara stands about 5'2" blonde hair, fair Skinned, she has an awesome personality; she's the greatest Mom I could ever ask for. She is a Chauffer for Denver Lincoln Limousine Inc. She is 48 years old.My father Arlen stands about 5'7" grey hair, fair skinned, His personality is pretty good. He's a great Dad. He Is 56. He's a supervisor for a company called Risk Removal Inc. He removes asbestos and mold out of schools, government Buildings and anywhere else there is mold or asbestos. My stepmother Sue stands about 5’5” blonde hair, fair skinned; she is a pretty good step mom. She works at home grading college student’s medical exams. But she does have a degree in teaching. She taught kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.I am an only child, but I do have two-step siblings. One-step brother named Gregory who is 18, and one Stepsister named Bethany who 16. So I am right in-between at 17.I do not know if I would consider him famous but my Step Grandpa is an ex US Congressman. He worked at the white house with President Regan When he was in office.I am Caucasian. I am Irish, bohemian, and English.I have three dogs, one 9-year-old male black & tan Dachshund,One 2 1/2-year-old female dapple Dachshund,One 7-Year-old female black lab. I remember when I was just 18 months old and I was Standing on the toilet watching my grandpa brush his Teeth and I fell and broke my right arm. Than when I Were about 2 I was jumping on my bed while my mom Was getting ready for a date and right as she said you Better stop jumping on that bed I fell and busted my Lip open, I ended up having to get 2 stitches. I still To this day have a scar from it.When I was 10 I went on a Disney cruise to the Bahamas and to Key West with my family, it was such a blast! I would love to do it again. Than when I was 11 I went to Pittsburgh for a huge family reunion where my step-grandpa took us on a chartered bus ride all over the city and on a duck tour of the three rivers in Pittsburgh. Than when I was 12 I went to Hilton Head North Carolina to a condo that we have there. It was so much fun playing in the water and seeing the entire area. When I was 13 we all went to a Dude Ranch in Western Wyoming for a week, we went tubing and rafted down the south Platte; we had an amazing time doing that. We ate very elegant food and foods that people probably never even thought of it as a food. But it sure was good. Than when I was 14 I went with my independent family to San Francisco California. We rode the trolley cars and walked the town and experienced China Town and the Wharf than we drove up to South Lake Tahoe in Nevada. We went up the heavenly ski area gondola, which was pretty fun than we drove up to North Lake Tahoe to join the whole family for a huge reunion. We went jet skiing and boating and we had a family Olympics, which was definitely one of the funnest family reunions we’ve had yet. Than when I was 16 we went to Kauai Hawaii for Christmas. It was so beautiful! It was like paradise. We did pretty much everything you could think of in Hawaii. We went snorkeling with dolphins and other sea animals. Than with just the independent family we went over to the island of Oahu where we went on an Atlantis sub marine ride that took us 120 ft. below the surface of Waikiki beach there were thousands of fish, sharks, eel, turtles and sea life. We saw sunken ships and sunken air plains that were made into artificial reefs by Hawaii university students back in the 80’s. We also went shopping there a lot and ate at some nice and fancy restaurants. When I was 16 I drove from Denver to Florida with my grandpa it was a lot of fun and I sure got a lot of driving experience. Than I stayed in Florida for two weeks than I flew to Boston and met my family there and than we rode the subway to our hotel, which was on the Boston wharf, than, we went and ate at a very nice Italian restraint than we woke up the next morning and drove to Bangor Maine. It was a long drive but it was worth it because we got to meet up with the whole family and the next day we boarded a cruise boat that we would be on for the next seven days. We were the youngest people on the boat in fact in one of the ports we stopped in the people of the town told us that they call that boat “Dead Man Cruising” because the average age was about 70 years old and with our family we brought it down to about 45 years old because we had 25 people and the cruise only held 75. We ate very elegant food everyday for every meal and lobster was available for every meal. The food was so good; we could eat as much as we wanted. If they didn’t have what we wanted they would make sure to have it within a few hours or at the next dining time. We stopped in 5 ports while we were on the cruise. They were all historical towns in Maine. When the seven days ended none of us wanted to leave because we had so much fun and bonded with the crew of 18 but we had to go. We went back to Boston where we stayed at the same hotel as before but we were there for a couple more days. We mainly went shopping. But we did go see Finway park home of the Boston Red Sox. We also went on a haunted trolley ride the night before we left for home. It took us to two of the famous cemeteries and mass burial grounds. It was very fun and spooky. Than we had to go home, but I returned to Florida to help my grandpa out some more while my family returned to Denver. I have traveled to Florida a lot in the past.I met John Elway when I was about 10 or 11. He came to my cousin's 21st birthday party. He was my hero at the time. I was lucky enough to meet him and have a picture taken with him and my stepbrother and stepsister.When I was 15, almost 16 in mid August I had a near death experience and ended up at St. Anthony North Hospital with seven blood clots, six in my lungs and one in my left ventricle of my heart. The ER doctors said that if it would have taken me just 3 minutes longer to get to the hospital than I probably wouldn't have lived because my blood oxygen level was so low, it was at 50% saturation. They said that they put people on oxygen if your saturation drops to 90%. It took the doctors 30 minutes to get an IV in because of the oxygen level being so low, my veins just sunk in. They than rushed me to St. Anthony Central Hospital. Where they miss-diagnosed me for something else that was in my family history that I later tested negative. So the whole time I was being treated for the wrong thing and not for the disease I actually have. I was there for about a month than they let me out on oxygen. I had to go to The Children's Hospital the following Monday for a blood test, they took one look at me and said there's something wrong with you and asked me to walk with out the oxygen. I made it about 15 feet and collapsed. They immediately put me on a genie and took some blood. I was very ill. They did test after test from 9:00 Am to 10:00 Pm and found out what was wrong that night. The admitted me and I was there for another month. The determined that I have a type of Blood cancer or blood disease called Antiphospholipidantibodies. It is very rare disease; the chances of having it are one in a million. I had the highest counts of it in medical history. And one year later I still have the highest counts in The Children’s Hospital history. They do not know much about it or know how it’s caused. I am in a research program to help find a cure and answers. I would like to know all the answers about it that I could. It was a very scary ordeal and still is. For two months after I returned home, I had to take a shot twice a day in my leg. It really hurt. I know have to take blood thinners every day. I have to go to Children's hospital about once a week to have a blood test done.In late August of 2007 I was diagnosed with hypertension. I know have to take blood pressure pills every day.Now on November 27th, 2007 I broke my wrist in gym. I told the teacher I couldn't play because my knee was hurting and I would have to sit out but she said, "Play or fail" so I played. Than my knee locked up and I fell and broke my wrist. I am now in a cast for the next five weeks. Its blue with lots of signatures all over it. It really hurts and is very hard to do anything. I can't write or hold anything.On April 7th, 2007 I was out of town when I got a call from my mom telling me that she had to put my dog Tana down. He had internal bleeding. The doctors said that no matter how much money we had, there was no way they could save him. He was the best dog ever! I could never replace him. When I was in elementary school he would walk up to the school to pick me up everyday after school. He would sit at the cross walk ten minutes before I got out. Everybody knew him and loved him. The fire department loved him as well; he would always walk up there and visit with them. I Love and miss him a lot!***On May 11th, 2007 my grandma Anna passed away. She had lots of medical problems. She was the greatest. Her and I were very close. I wrote a poem for her memorial. Here it is: When Tomorrow Starts Without Me (Dedicated To My Grandma Anna) When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not here to see... If the sun should rise and find your eyes filled with tears for me,I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today... While thinking of the many things we didn't get to say.I know how much you love me, as much as I love you... And each time you think of me, I know you'll miss me, too.But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand... That Jesus came and called my name and took me by the hand,And said my place was ready in heaven far above... And that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love.So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart... For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart. Ryan David Bentley Copyright ©2007 Ryan David BentleyI miss and love her so much!On May 5th, 1998 I lost my grandpa Bud to COPD which is in direct result of smoking, He is the reason I will not smoke because I saw him die from it.One of the worst things that happened to me in my life was when I almost died in August of 2006.One of the best things in my life was when I was 16 and I got my license. Now I can drive myself and not have to Rely on my parents for a ride anymore.I think am shy around certain people but out going around others. I’m athletic; I race motocross, play football and basketball. I can be sensitive about some things like my family. My hobbies are motocross and photography. I love to race motocross, its so much fun. It’s a great stress reliever.Photography is something I really like to do.I belong to international society of poetry. An organization based in Paris. I have won many awards for my poetry and for academics. I have won trophies for sports and also for poetry. I think I have changed a lot in the past two years. I went from all gangsterish to more of prep. My personality has changed for the better. Me being unique makes me, me.Blue, seafood, Seinfeld, Simpson’s, CSI and the 9-11 Report are some of my favorites. I love the winter so I can go snowboarding but I also love the summer so I can go swimming, mountain biking, ride my dirt bike and travel. My idea of having fun is just having fun. I find that just sitting around doing nothing is boring. A pet peeve that I have is people that don’t turn their turning signal off. It gets so annoying. People that act stupid or act like they are all bad really make me angry.I admire my grandpa Augie because he has taught me so much. He also fought for this country in Pearl Harbor. He is just my step grandpa but he has always been there for me.I also admire my great uncle Eugine Foreman because he gave his life to our country in the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. He is still on the USS Arizona today which is under water in pearl harbor. I admire my mom for being there for me threw my sickness and the whole time I was in the hospital. She has taken care of me whenever I was sick. She has but up with all my crap and been there for me threw thick or thin. I am very grateful to have a mother like her. She is the greatest mother I could ever ask for.I feel strongly about smokers and druggies. I can’t stand to see people smoking or doing drugs. It is so stupid to ruin your like over something so stupid. People say it’s a stress reliever but its not, it actually creates more stress.My family is the most important thing to me in my life. They meant the world to me. They are the greatest and most loving family ever.Nice, funny, caring, poetic, and smart are all words that best describe me.People tell me that I am nice and cool on the outside and really nice and caring on the inside. I think people see me that way because that’s what they tell me.I hope to graduate high school and go to college, hopefully at Colorado University. I want to major in broadcasting and mass communication. I want to be a newscaster. While I am in college I will have an internship at a local new station. I want to work at a local news station and eventually move on to a national newscast.If I do not accomplish being a newscaster than I want to be a photographer.I want to make enough money to buy a large house, fancy car, boat, dirt bikes, and ATV's. I want to have a family with two kids and the “Rich” life style.I would like to live in Kuai Hawaii or in Bar Harbor Maine.Since I love to travel I would like to travel the world.
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My Blog

Love Is...

Love Is... LOVE IS ... more beautiful than roses much deeper than seas stronger than a hurricane but timid like a breese real as in a picture but yet cant be seen more beautiful than anything as vivid...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 22:23:00 GMT

True Love

True Love True Love Never EndsEven If It Depends On EverythingBecause You'll Always Be My EverythingYou Walk The Walk I Talk The Talk ButI Still Love You BecauseTrue Love Never EndsI'll Always Be Ther...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 22:22:00 GMT

My First Ever Lyrics

i sit here listenin to everyones shit they be actin stupid don't know what they be sayin poppin off at the mouth about shit i didnt say i say fuck this shit i'm tired of hearin it this punk boy wanna...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 20:22:00 GMT

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me (Dedicated To My Grandma Annie)

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me (Dedicated To My Grandma Anna) When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not here to see... If the sun should rise and find your eyes filled with tears for me, I wish so ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:02:00 GMT

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:18:00 GMT

My recentley published poems

I can't stop thinking about you... I just can't stop thinking of her...Of all the fun we had together..The great kissing...And the great feeling I had when I was around her...But now she's gone....And...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 08:13:00 GMT

my recentley published poems

These are some of my poems that ive been published for!! Amanda Amanda Lassiter A young beautiful lady that M ight be A perfect match for me, that i wouldN ever like to give up, she is'nt ...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 22:26:00 GMT

cool people

The following are the coolest people! The coolest nigga ever is dollar chinda... hes a the definition of balla... Matt Rodriguez: hes the best napolean imitation, hes realy funny and cool. Aaron Salo...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 14:29:00 GMT

waiting for you

id rather die then see you with him and as i think of that song  that i dedicated to you i realize when you left me my feelings just grew stronger and all that means is that ill just hang on long...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 11:23:00 GMT