[hUSh] profile picture



About Me

Hot-hearted man who likes to do thing his way. He can suddenly decide to do something without thinking of it's outcome. He is the type of guy with an inside energizer, so if you fall in love with this type of guy be "patient", even if you have to follow him a bit. His creative mind could create fantastic idea any time. If you do not understand or can not follow him, you won't be with him for long.
A man in this Zodiac will less likely to have a pale skin, and if he has a scar, it would be on his face or on his head. He moves very fast and very energetic, and he has a very self confident in himself. He is not the type to sit down and feel sorry or regret anything for long, especially with "Love". He loves justice. He dares to show his opinion or even argue about certain subject even he knows it might bring him problems. A straight forward type of guy.
He hardly lies except if he think it is necessary and he is not a good liar anyway. He will not lie to you about serious matter, but if he lie he will lie only a small little thing. He is gifted with the ability to be a very social person. He could talk even about subject that he has no knowledge of. He interests only at the present time and look at the world positively. Many times he feels hurt because of reality, but he will not run away and he will overcome that difficulty.
Even he is a high and self confident type and center his own thought as a main focus, but at the same time he is a kind, cute and polite guy. He certainly is not a mean person. He likes to help people who are in troubles even he is not asked to. He is the type who feels sorry if you remember bad things he said to you that he had already forgotten,but you did not. Belief him that he is very sorry and give him another chance.
Once he decides to do something, he will put all his mind and energy in it either in his "Work", or "Love". He is the type who gamble anything in the casino, so do not even take him there. He does not like pessimistic, low energy, and depress person, especially no brain. Strangely he like to overpowered this type of people to assure that he is more superior.
He like to be the first person to do something. You can see sparkling in his eyes, once he meet a new target or new lover. Once he is in love, he will act as if he never has love like this before. This minute he could be real sugar sweet, and later he could also be an icy cold, but do not blame him for that will only chase him away. He could fall in love again with another girl and act again like he never has this kind of love before. He could really love someone, but not a heart broken type for he thinks love is "excitement" and "Love goes on".
If you date this kind of guy, do not or avoid showing your face to him with face pack, face mask, always be presentable, nice and cute. If he is quiet not because he is shy, but he is only quietly thinking. If you have a chance to ask his X-girlfriend, she will tell you that he is not a shy or quiet type. If he is really and truly in love with you, he will never lie to you at all. How do you know if he loves you, bet on your faith! Love him and treat him steadily and do not try to find anything to argue with him, he will be with you for sure.
If you are his lover or girlfriend and need to tell him something, go and say it out loud and straight forward because he hate long boring story. He hate to play games, chasing for love or being chased, so let him call you first. He likes a confident woman who also a good follower. If he gets mad at you, let him be for only a short time he will be normal again. You have to like and be able to get along with his friends, but he does not have to do so with all your friends.
Don't ever think you could make him jealous by flirting with other man, he will just leave instead of making a scene because he is a confident man and has to be the first in everything.
This is what we called "aLenG"...

My Interests

siNCe mY LifE iS sO hECTic, i uSUalLy LeaRn mORe tOwArDs tHe mUCh siMpLiER & rELaXinG aCTiViTiEs. tHiNGs LikE hanG oUt aT cOfFEe hOuSE fOr mY fAv. x-tReMe mOChA (WitH WhiP cREAm oN tOp... yEs pLLzZZz...), liStENinG tO sOMe rELaXinG mUsiC, hAnGinG oUt WiTh mY cLoSe fRiEnDs doing just about anything (LivE bANd, pLaYiNG gAmEs, wAtChiNG a mOViE, mAMaK sTalL, hAViNG a gREaT cONvERsATioN, eTc... Etc... eTc...) bEsiDe tHaT... i dO LikE tRaCkiNG & cAmPiNG (mAkE mE FeeL fReE...), tRaVelLinG & tOuRinG (wANnA kNOw oTheR pLaCeS...), cOmPuTeRs (cAn'T LivE WitH oUt iT...), cARs & BikeS (tHe mAchiNe... hAHAHa...).

I'd like to meet:

... tha one who dun wanna meet me anymore??!...

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..cARe tO dROp a wORdSs?!..


...::Dengar Bisikku::...

Kadang aku berfikir,
Dapatkah kita terus coba,
Mendayung perahu kita,
Menyatukan ingin kita,

Sedang selalu saja,
Khilaf yang kecil mengusik,
Bagai angin berhembus kencang,
Goyahkan kaki kita,

Genggam tanganku jangan bimbang,
Tak usahlah lagi dikenang,
Naif diri yang pernah datang,
Jadikan pelajaran Sayang,

Dengar bisikanku oh Dinda,
Coba lapangkan dada kita,
Trima aku apa adanya,
Jujur hati yang kita jaga,

Mengapa selalu saja,
Khilaf yang kecil mengusik,
Bagai ombak yang besar,
Goyahkan kaki kita,

Bila gundahmu tak menghilang,
Hentikan dulu dayung kita,
Bila kau ingin lupakan aku,
Ku tak tahu apalah daya…


››› bULi
››› sOaL hATi
››› sOaL SiaPa
››› rinGgiT kArsoRGa
››› aLi sETAn
››› giLa GiLa RemAjA
››› mEkeNik
››› mAt sOm
››› MimPi mOoN
››› LayAr LarA
››› aBOut hEr
››› iTaLiaN jObS
››› aCe vEntUrA
››› aUStiN pOWErs
››› sO cLoSe
››› mOnStEr iNc.
››› hiTch
››› 30 dAYs sEaRChinG fOR LovE
››› wHat'S WitH LovE
››› eNEmY oF tHE sTatE
››› aNTi tRuSt
››› bAd bOyS I&II
››› iCe aGe
››› RoniN
››› jAmEs bOnD SeRieS
››› liTtLe rUsCaLS
››› tHe gOoNieS
››› cOnSPirAcY tHeOrY
››› bEhinD tHe eNemY LinE
››› etc., etc., etc.


sMaLL viLLe (aDoRE tHE LANa LanG tHERe..), sPonGE bOb ("wHo LiVinG iN tHe piNeaPpEL uNdEr tHe sEa.."), F.R.I.E.N.D.S (how r u doin??), C.S.I (dAMn cOoL tV sERieS...), aCMe hOUr (need I say more?), eTc.. EtC... eTc...



fHm, cARs, cOMpuTErS, tEChnoLgY..... i'M liSteNEr.....


superman, spiderman, ... ..

My Blog

im happy!!!

14nov2006_tuesday_2330_sumwhere at 26511...the very happy moment in my life!!! till now i keep smilling.. :))i'll never forget... :))...
Posted by [hUSh] on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:40:00 PST


mengapa kasih mengapa kasihengkau membisubermuram wajah tiada menentu mengapa kasihengkau beginisepuas hati kucuba memujuk mungkinkah aku mesti berlalumembiarkan dan tidak mengganngumungkinkah aku mes...
Posted by [hUSh] on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 01:03:00 PST

merundun jatuh

argGHhh.. ape aku dah buat nih... lemau tahap the max betol la aku nih... ntah ape aku pikir time tu pon aku tak tau... aiyark.. ape aku nak buat skang??!... camne la bole jadik cengini... tu la die, ...
Posted by [hUSh] on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 08:14:00 PST


yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaik s!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!y aiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaiks !!yaiks!!yaiks!!yaik...
Posted by [hUSh] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST