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!*!WelComE To DisGraceLanD!*!

About Me

Spliff The Amazin Amazonian InflictionWhat can i saythe only reason i own a computer is to promote my sideshowDisGraceLanD Family FreakshowYou are all gonna love this pile of Maniacs i call my FamilYthe freakshows great big beautiful mouth is M.C.a.K.a., screaming the rythymto what we call choreography, then theres mylovely wife JiJi the Carny Girl from Wheeling WV walkin on Nails With herbare feet and hammering nails straight in her faceand theres also Ravi the Scorpion Mystic our Bendable Boy from Bombay(sorta...not really)...Alongside Gan-Jeesh The Scandinavian Shaman Boy...with his exquisite diet of bugs and worms...heheour newest addition is the incredible scientific breakthru Roc Roc It theSupaFreak, the fucked up mixed DNA of all the members of D.F.F. forged inthe forests of GermanyAnd me... Im Spliff...My feats range from Piercing Weight Lifting to sitting !BARE ASSED! on a Bed of NAilsCome see the Freaks at play...While we risk our lives for your Entertainment.. width="425" height="350">.. ....>  I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet some owners...promoters...musicians...pretty much anyone that we can network with to continue growing as a show and an entertainment also always down to meet good people.We love having the awesome following we've managed to pull together so farthese kids are love to all are people and to all those to come

My Blog

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Posted by on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 10:55:00 GMT