* Becoming the best person I can be- * Learning from those around me- * Thinking outside the box- * Improving how I impact the environment-
I love to meet anyone who's willing to teach me something---which generally means everyone--if enough time is allotted.I would love to meet my ancestors. I really enjoy history if I get myself settled into the ins and outs of it---and family history would be neat indeed!
Me gusta la musica mucho! Any genre
The many that people keep telling me I need to see!
Okay---so I have lived with a television now for almost a year---it's dangerous. I have watched some nonsensical things indeed...and enjoyed it. I NEED HELP, lol.
I recently joined a book club and hope this inspires me to get back in the swing of things in the reading area. The first book that we read was White Teeth, by Zadie Smith. It was her first novel and I loved it. I loved how history repeated itself throughout the book giving one dejavu--generally it was thru a different character's eyes than previously. I like how my friend stated it, "The book has so many layers to it"! I would recommend it!
I see heroes everyday of my life....all you have to do is look. The watchful eyes of a mother or a stranger ensuring that the tot is safe. The person who puts their four way blinkers on to warn others of trouble ahead. Animals that ward off others who wish to do harm. To pick some random person out of the sky is hard...but I will. I would have to say my DAD....the man survived Vietnam and thus I was born years later. He got not one, but 2 Purple Hearts, I think the Bronze Star and who knows what else. He has endured the pain of others lives that he was forced to take...and for a man as sensitive as my Dad well that must be hard. It was my Dad who needed the kleenex after the sad movie...not Mom....and it is he who I get this great cleft in my chin from!:)