Quote of the Day: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it change your attitude. Don’t complain. (Maya Angelou)
that supposed to mean
Cool Intro Song
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I'm a stupid ass weirdo nerd. I have friends who prefer the Nintendo 8bit to the XBOX 360. I don't play football or get shitfaced at the local bar. I'm allergic to smoke and can't stand people who don't use their turn signal.
I'm a software engineer for a multi-billion dollar company. I'm a minon who works in a cube.
I know html and don't need a stinkin myspace editor. I read API documentation that is longer than the bible.
Most of the time you can find me under a rock.
I'm a sucker for a road trip, but that mostly revolves around PTO.
I punched out a guys passenger window once, and then licked the blood from my knuckles. He called the police. They told me to pay for his windshield. Ha!
I like the petting zoo too.
I live by the river and have bats in my attic. Can you say histoplasmosis.
My Nikon D70 goes where I go. Megapixel schmegapixel. Get good glass and shut up already.
I have sticking hands.
My Mathy Java Applets
Java Lamp
: Lava Lamp on crack. Sorts through array of 10,000 cartesian points every 10 milliseconds. Calculates color and size based on distance from a moving point. Use the quick keys to mix things up.
BreakOut 3D : The uncanny 2D arknoid remake with a wireframe 3D perspective. Projection of a 3D (x,y,z) environment onto a 2D view. Makes use of phi, rho, delta, theta for rotation around a point and perspective control. They teach this stuff in Calc III. Too bad it's the only time I applied this knowledge. Hit 'O' to rotate around the axis with the mouse. This is a playable game with multilevels, but I forgot the quick key to start the game; try 'X'.
Animated Surface Map : I ripped this idea from Maple. Same engine as Breakout 3d except function is based on radians. Click mouse to rotate. 'A' key to animate or cycle through theta. Use the number keys to change the values at the bottom of the screen to see how they affect the view.
Shoot 'em : Shoot each other. Player 1: 'Q', Player 2: 'P'
Galguka : This is my answer to a Pascal app coded one weekend on a 386DX C*mpuAdd somewhere between the advent of Martian Memorandum and Oil's Well. Or was it Leisure Suite Larry.