Angie Rap Myspace Recording Chillin Spittin Chillin And SpittinSome things I hateBitches Gay People Liars Fags People who can't rap Jello School Not Being Loved Being In Trouble Mrs. Allen Fake Thugs Homo Thugs Drug Addicts Drugs Ciggerettes Smelly people Dumb people Smelly and dumb people *cough cough*
I met the love of my life (Angie) The illest rapper on the earth (me) My Niggaz (Kristian,Nate,Mark,Trackda,Ra,anyone else i'm cool with) And Some Pretty Cool Chix (Amy,Molly,Kelsea,etc.)I'm all goooooood
Half Baked,Menace To Souf Central,Saw 1,Saw2,Any comedy movies,any horror movies Any hip-hop movies UnO-
Uhmmmmmm Anything Funny,Scary,Gangsta,Action Packed.
Bits To PiecesBlack People Like Me Have No Time To Read
Angie,Myspace,My Nikkaz,Rap,Hip-Hop