I am a born again christian who loves contemporary christian music but especially Christian music from the Jesus Movement days of the 1970,s. I like rock but not the screamo stuff where they do nothing but scream and growl(that,s not singing). I can tolerate a limited amount of screaming/growling as long as it serves a purpose but only a limited amount.I also like some hip hop and blues.I love going to Christian concerts.Live music is cool.I have worked as a volunteer for a ministry called Sword of Light Productions but will no longer be able to actively continue that.(See the bottom paragraph)Their purpose is to promote independent Christian bands and artists by getting them places to play and getting them concert dates.They also book some up and coming new signed artists.They feel this also helps the unsigned artists by getting their music exposure to a wider audience.If you are an indie Christian band or a new signed Chrisitian contemporary artist from Oklahoma or a nearby state ,they would like to hear from you. The Sword of Light Productions web site is www.swordoflightproductions.com
I have hosted a group on Yahoo called Christian Independent Bands Seven States that covered indie bands in Oklahoma and the six neighboring states of Colorado,Kansas,Missouri,Arkansas,Texas and New Mexico.(That will probably be discontinued.See the bottom paragraph)Note:Sword of Light Productions now has a myspace page.Check it out: myspace.com/swordoflightproductions
I plan soon(Sept.22 OR 23,2008) to move to the area of Knoxville,Tennessee from where i live in Oklahoma.I may no longer have or use the C.I.B.S.S. Yahoo group although that remains to be seen.I will probably start a new indie Christian music group for Tennessee and maybe the surrounding states also .
That will have to wait till i make the move and get settled in to the new home.I will post my plans here when i know for certain what i will do
I have now moved to Maryville,Tn near Knoxville and i hope to get involved once more in the Christian music scene here in the near future.
I no longer plan to accept friend requests from other than Christian ministry oriented persons or groups.I ask that business,health and political groups or individuals not send friend requests here but to a new myspace page i plan to create soon.Thanks.After the new page is set up ,i will be deleting all such business,health and political friends from this myspace page and i am requesting that they ask to join me on the new page as the original purpose of this myspace page was for Christian music and
the promotion of that .I want to get back to that exclusively on this page.
note: I am especially interested in indie Christian bands and promoting them in my new home location.
Note:I am happily married now for 2 years to my lovely wife Elissa.
.. ..I edited my profile at Free Christian Layouts , check out these Myspace Layouts!
.. .. ..I edited my profile at Free Christian Layouts , check out these Myspace Layouts!