Born in MN, my professional life started and love life took a turn for the worse going to college at the Univ. of MN. Met a woman and married too quick and divorced just as quick. Finished a law degree and became an attorney. Moved to Des Moines for a better opportunity and started specializing in property law. Met the most amazing wonderful woman online and fell totally head over heels in about a month without ever meeting her in person or talking on the phone if you can believe that. Then was given a once in a lifetime opportunity to move to Atlanta with my firm with a huge jump in my career. An opportunity that you also can't say no to without being seen as not a team player.Long story shortened for anyone who cares. My career was boosted and my heart broken. I was so saddened, depressed, and ashamed that I basically feel like I took work over a true love that I couldn't even face her or speak with her again.
Update - As nice as Atlanta is, I'm home sick for family and loved ones so I'm planning to move back.