Skooma profile picture


About Me

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We would like to find a singer
If anyone thinks they want to try and sing for our band, get in touch with us. In the meantime we're perfectly content being an instrumental band.
We're Skooma. We play music. The songs speak for themselves, so check them out and we'll worry about slinging around genre-classifying buzzwords later. Skooma started in winter of 2008 as a recreational jam project of guitarists Steve Piotrowski and Mike Bovier, but they felt they could do something much more, and recruited drummer AJ Rembert and bassist Mike Roach, forming Skooma.
Skooma is a group of friends who share a common bond. It's not that they all play musical instruments or that they all appreciate similar music. Each band member expresses themselves best through their instruments, and communicate with each other using these instrumental expressions. They also all enjoy removing people's faces by means of music.

My Interests


Member Since: 13/03/2008
Band Website: You're looking at it
Band Members: Steve Piotrowski - Guitar

Mike Bovier - Guitar

AJ Rembert - Drums

Mike Roach - Bass

Influences: to list a VERY VERY small portion (and in no particular order)...

metallica, rush, queens of the stoneage, the mars volta, pink floyd, albert hofmann, afroman, coheed and cambria, silversun pickups, kyuss, zz top, wellwater conspiracy
Sounds Like: You tell us... We're still looking for a good way to describe ourselves.
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

We really need a singer.

We really need a singer. Like right now. So if you dig the songs on the myspace and can sing (we would prefer someone who can sing a melody as opposed to just screaming - not that we're not interested...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:46:00 GMT