Tramella profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My family & friends are my everything!
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Tram
Date of Birth: 09/29
Birthplace: LaGrange, IL
Current Location: Bolingbrook, IL
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'3
Heritage: Vietnamese
Piercings: one in each ear...but you will rarely see me wear earings
Tattoos: YES! Can you guess where?!?
Band/Singer: I love them all!!!!!!!!
Song: anything with a good beat where I can sing along to...
Movie: hmmmm....
Disney Movie: does HappyFeet count?
TV show: anything reality...
Color: i love all bright colors...but lately i've been into PINK
Food: SUSHI!!!!!!!
Pizza topping: not a big pizza i guess cheese?
Ice-Cream Flavor: red bean
Drink (alcoholic): PATRON
Soda: diet coke or diet pepsi
Clothing Brand: not picky
Shoe Brand: anything cute
Season: Fall!
Holiday/Festival: Christmas!
Flower: Roses and Irises
Make-Up Item: eyeliner
Board game: n/a
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Fruit or veggie: fruit!
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: LOVE
Phone or in person: in person!@
Looks or personality: PERSONALITY!
Coffee or tea: coffeee with cream and extra sugar!
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: rekindle old relationships and build new ones!
Most missed memory: highschool clubbing days
Best physical feature: hmmmm......
First thought waking up: 10 more minutes....
Hypothetical personality disorder: ADD
Preferred type of plastic surgery: boobies
Sesame street alter ego: the trash guy...was it mister grumpy or something?
Fairytale alter ego: cinderelly?
Most stupid remark: i have said a lot that I wish i could take back...
Worst crime: changing in the street?
Greatest ambition: to be happy
Greatest fear: to be a lone
Darkest secret: I listen to AM radio
Favorite subject: math?
Strangest received gift: crickets
Worst habit: speaking before thinking
Do You:
Smoke: ...
Drink: high quality H2O
Curse: ladies don't curse
Shower daily: sure, ynot?
Like thunderstorms: no...they scare roofie
Dance in the rain: shoes would get soggy
Sing: only when i'm in a very good mood...but youdont want to hear my singing...
Play an instrument: never
Get along with your parents: most of the time
Wish on stars: i did when i was little...
Believe in fate: actually...i do...
Believe in love at first sight: no
Can You:
Drive: yes
Sew: maybe a button
Cook: i'm learning!
Speak another language: yes
Dance: sure...
Sing: not really...
Touch your nose with your tongue: no way
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: no
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: what's that?
Been Stoned/High: what's this?
Eaten Sushi: LOVE IT!
Been in Love: what is love?
Skipped school: skipped?
Made prank calls: to whom?
Sent someone a love letter: does a breakup letter count?
Stolen something: what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine!
Cried yourself to sleep: yes... =(
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? FAKEness & immaturity
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? when i'm sleep...usually early
Name three things you can't live without: family, friends & roofie
What is the color of your room? white
Do you have any siblings? yes! three sister
Do you have any pets? YES!!! my babie roofie..
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no....i would have too much guilt...
What is you middle name? are you ready for this?...thi thanh cathy alisa....i know it's long...
What are you nicknames? trambam, laalaa, tramalina, trambamthankyoumam, tramster, and the list goes on and on
Are you for or against gay marriage? for
What are your thoughts ..ion? ...
Do you have a crush on anyone? YES
Are you afraid of the dark? NO! i need complete darkness in order to sleep!
How do you want to die? peacefully
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 12
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? YES
What is the last law you’ve broken? driving under the influence?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: any but gray
Eye color: i love all colors
Height taller than me
Weight definetly has to weigh more than me
Most important physical feature: eyes and smile
Biggest turn-off hairy guys!!!!!!!! yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My Interests

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My Blog


Turning 26 isn't that bad.  I was getting somewhat depressed for the fact that if you round up 26= 30.  I was also getting sad at the fact that everywhere I went, I was being called "mam".&n...
Posted by Tramella on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 09:59:00 PST

Home Sweet Home

So this is my first real blog on myspace.  I am so use to doing it on Xanga but I see now that Myspace is the "in" thing to do.  For some reason these past two weeks have been incredibly str...
Posted by Tramella on Mon, 01 May 2006 04:39:00 PST

And I'm back!!!

"Let You Go" was definetly the theme song for this weekend!  I went to Kansas City to hang out with the fraternity bros and it was sooo much fun!  I will update with details when I am r...
Posted by Tramella on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:28:00 PST