Born in Buffcity Ny, in 91, Da Prince didnt become who he is today overnite. From ages off runnin around the house with his toy microphone, he had always had an idea of becoming a rapper. It wasnt until 2004 when Da Prince (Known then as K.I.L.L.A.), Arch Nemesis, & ?????????????? had created a rap group and took over the freestyle battle site of atomic boards. It was then that KILLA had battles with Bmores Finest, and the so called J2theB, in which he had some very sick battles against, in which he came out on top. Later on, Da Prince continued to write rhymes and in his fr. yr he created Da Church with the help of Rev. Dr MLS. It wasnt until his transfer 2 St joes, that he battled Dom Cook, and was noticed by memebers of FBC. Once seen, he spoke with Nick Teezy, & Big Tone, and he was admitted into F.B.C. Continuing to the Summer of 07, Da Prince found an MC in his brother McFly. They released their imfamous track, "Better Dayz" Later on the fall, McFly introduced Da Prince 2 his long time friend/producer, Killa Mack. 2gether these 3 have uplifted the record label, H-Block Productionz, along with SUF Records, and Da Church/CrimeLord Collab. Da Prince has currently created a conjoined mixtape of Step In Da Church & Prince vs Pastor, Church 101 mixtape consisting of tracks created during the beef period of Da Church & G-Rec and his album, Diary Of A Prince. There are rumors that he's working on a album 2 be released in the Fall 08 named, "The Blood In My Veins"
Background from Google search result