I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
I'm Babbitt's mommy and A's split apart. In my spare time, I make lists and run Spasmodica . (Well, I'm supposed to run Spasmodica. Nowadays I just neglect it.) Both of my parents are Filipino. I was born in Davao City, Philippines and came to the States when I was yay high. One of my earliest memories is riding my bike up and down the street, while waving a very small American flag on the day that I was naturalized. I hope to learn Tagalog in my lifetime. Elmo tried to touch me but I said "no!" He's not really interested in teaching you how to go potty. If I could choose one superhero power, I'd want to be able to fly. When I'm in meetings at work, I feel like I'm playing grown-up. Someday I'd like to be recognized by a random stranger on the street. Anthony is my favorite.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Bigfoot. Babbitt's siblings. Someone from my past. Someone from the future. A potential employer who'll pay me what I'm really worth. For the record, I'm worth a bajillion bucks but I'd settle for a million.
My Blog
Tag, You're It!
I've been tagged.Each player of the game starts by listing 7 weird things or habits about themselves. If you are tagged, you must write your own blog with 7 of your own weird things/habits, and state ... Posted by on Sun, 06 May 2007 18:33:00 GMT