LisTenIn MusiC~~~~~~~~~~PlaYinG gAme~~~~~~WaTchIng Tv.....rEadInG And pLayIng tHe PianO
oLd fRienZ ,NeW fRienZ and oF CourSe PpL i noe
lOads Of Them........ChiNeSe Band.....SinGer liKe joliN..........and sYmPhOnY mUsiC.......
hArRy pOttEr ,JapaNesE mOviE and lOad More
KorEa and JapeN VCDs.....and The cUrRenTlY mOst PoPulAr Tv shOw " HoLlAnD V"
HarRy PoTtEr.......SabRiNa thE TeEnagEr WiTcH and.........lOad MoRe