This is official site of theHoney Gun Girls.
The Band is HONEYGUN. Check 'em out!
So what the Hell is a HONEYGUN GIRL!?!?
That's simple... HONEYGUN GIRLs are cool, sexy, fun rocker chicks and girlie girls who are a little adventurous and a lot independent and share a love for HONEYGUN!!We had to start a page - seperate from the band page - to handle all the submissions we started getting from girls who want help promote the band!This is where we keep all the HoneyGunGirls photos, and fan-submitted artwork.
Be sure to check out all our pics!
All of our beautiful, creative friends have private albums friend us!
We are always accepting and reviewing photos. Think you got what it takes? Please keep it clean...we know you are sexy...but no nudes will be considered. Period. Be creative, be fun...we'll post them all. And thanks for your means the world.
All of "our girls" ALWAYS get into any Honeygun show for free...for life! When the girly tee shirts and other swag is ready, you get all that stuff, too! PLUS - the undying love of the band...of course.
Got Questions? Just Ask!
I'm Shea and I run the page! Have questions or wanna help out?
email contact, and send pics to:
[email protected]
NEED PHOTOGRAPHY? Local photographer and artist Matt Mascaro is available and recommended by the HGGS!
Street team is run by Kaitlin
If you wanna be involved, ask for details and I'll send you her way.
Wanna be on the HoneyGun Girls page? Ask for details.