Hey, Im Matt,senior at Brandeis,My girlfriend is better than yours.Her name is Melanie<3,My best friend since i was four is Jordan Ralph. My dawg Jordan Castro has been my brother since 7th grade(weve been in every kind of trouble possible. I am constantly playing my guitar,I'll beat you in a race, I'm a stereotype surfer boy at heart,I take care of my teeth,I will do anything for my friends, who i can go to when i have any sort of problem. I met some people this year that I'm gonna remember forever.Melanie:P, Adri,Kirstin,Erin,Cat,Sammy Lam!,Domenico my great pal, and T-shizzle my intellectual pal and musical connoissuer, you guys are awesome!My brother derek was my main influence thoughout my childhood so most of my biased opinions come from him haha. I have 2 sisters Jenny and TRacy that are much older and therefore secondary moms lol.Thats all you need to know pal....
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