..The name is Vivi! Yes, it is my real name ^^ It's not short for anything, and yes, it's like Vivi from FF9, except, I've had this name since birth, way before FF was ever made.
You think you know a person, but everyone, even your best friend, will keep a little piece of themselves inside, unbeknownst to the rest of the world. You will never, ever truly know someone until that person let you into their hearts. So don't judge by appearances. And most importantly, don't judge me.
~*~Gamer for Life~*~
CAD - Lilah t-shirt design @ � SplitReason.com
Who is Your Leafe Knight Mystery Companion?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime . Done right.
Which Type of Dragon Are You? (W.. Pics)
You are a WHITE SPIRIT DRAGON. You live in the highest peaks of the tallest mountains. The sky is the limits for you. Flying and aerial maneuvers are your specialty. You like water, fire, earth, ice, almost everything. You hate darkness. You eat fowl and mountain creatures. You obsess over gale storms.
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