Ryan profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorHey!I'm 26 and live in Kitchener, Ontario..A bit about myself:I grew up in northern ontario, and moved down south in 1999. Got my BA at U of Waterloo and ended up working with phone systems after graduation. I've been working on becoming a police officer since March of 2006 - but I've branched off now and am going into the army in May 2008. I'll be training as an artillery officer.Normally in my spare time, I'm either working out, doing martial arts, snowboarding in the winter, running and kayaking/canoeing in the summer - though I try to make time for my friends.Add me if you know me already from RL, or live in/near K-W and want to say hello.

My Interests

Martial arts, music, exercise, movies, snowboarding, rollerblading, canoeing, exploding paper bags and popping bubble wrap.

I'd like to meet:

Quentin Tarantino, Queen Elizabeth, Al Pacino. I'm sure they all have myspace accounts.


red hot chili peppers, ben harper, rasputina, apocalyptica, fallout boy, feist, fiona apple, metric, nine inch nails, panic! at the disco, radiohead, rufus wainwright, the killers, tori amos... and many more


Scent of a Woman, The Princess Bride, V for Vendetta, Crash, Unleashed, Meet Joe Black, Kill Bill, Shogun Assassin..


Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, Tripping the Rift, Grey's Anatomy, CSI's (any of the 12 versions will do)...


Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott), King Rat (James Clavell), Twelve Bar Blues (Patrick Neate), Lullaby (Chuck Palahniuk), The Princess Bride (in book form - curse that William Goldman for making me believe that Florin was a real country! Stupid plot devices)


Garbage collectors and bus drivers