Going to parties, da mall, eatin, textin ma ass off! chillin wit ma niggaz!!
Different Questions
How do you respond when someone greets you?: wuz gud maaaa niggah!!
You can have gold jewelry or silver jewelry. Which do you choose?: silver
Can you realistically see yourself at age eighty-four?: awe shyt fam...wrinkled!!
Do you scoff at the ignorance and impulsiveness of youth...: yea...sumtimes im da 1 bein scoffed @! LOL
...or do you hate it when people judge others just by their age?: those bitches!!
What's the most impulsive, random, or craziest thing you've ever done?: awe damn we aint gonna go dere!
What's your favourite colour of ink to write in?: pink!!
Ever thought you were in love?: yea...thought is da word!!
Ever said you hated someone? (Or thought it?): all da time...im thinkin it now
Do you scoff at the human race?: shyt iono
Which is better, in your opinion: summer or winter?: summah!!
Ever solved a Rubik's cube? (Or tried?): naw i leave dat to da geeks
Choose one: sticky notes or duct tape.: sticky notes
Are you a morning person?: sumtimes depends on wut im gettin up fo
You can have any breakfast food you want. What is it?: part tarts!!
Do you believe in horoscopes and astrology?: naw, but it's fun ta read..
What's the funniest Chinese fortune you've ever gotten from a cookie?: sumtin bout my financial future, an im still broke
Do you have any "trademarked" sayings or words you use constantly?: shut up hoe
Sun, rain, or sunshowers?: all 3
Does music have any effect on your mood?: yup yup
What's the neatest pet you've ever owned?: none
Name a song that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.: sammmie: come with me
Do you think Canadian geese should go the hell home?: who da fuck cares?
What's your view on homosexuality?: i luv em!! dey fun!!
What about religion?: long as i believe in god, baptist
Do little kids make you smile or cringe?: depends on who creatures dey are
Do dumb blonde jokes annoy you?: no, blondes annoy me
Do dead baby jokes offend you?: didnt kno dere were ne
How much do you curse? (Or does it offend you?): fuck! shit! damn!!
How much do you care about how others perceive you?: suck a dick!! haters!!
What scares you?: spiders, and an empty frige
What humbles you?: a full frige, an a fine ass niggah
What encourages you?: money, and haters
What discourages you?: tryin to do sumthin an it turn out wrong
Do you kill insects?: yup, except ladybugs and grasshoppahz
Do you litter...or loathe litterbugs?: jus lil shyt like gum wrapper
Do small animals, like squirrels or bunnies, scare you?: no dere cute =]
Do clowns actually make you laugh, or do you find them frightening?: i find em stupid
Do you like balloons?: yea!
Ever squirted whipped cream into your mouth from the can?: naw i aint dat fat
Which is better: the actual cake, or the icing?: the actual cake, i aint on dat icing...eww
Ever stayed up all night?: i am right now
What's your favourite {physical} feature?: ma face! and boobies! an taytah!
What's your least favourite {physical} feature?: hipz...zero in dat area
When birds sing, do you want to shoot them, or do you love it?: try to imagine wut dey singing bout
Thunderstorms: awesome or bothersome?: sumtine like, sumtimes dont
Do you find freckles attractive? (On yourself or on others.): yea i guess
Do you like animated films or cartoons?: both
Name a movie that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.: diary of a mad black woman
Name a movie that scared the hell out of you.: i like scurry movies
Ever use words of another language just to confuse people?: hahaha yea
Ever do weird things in public to get people to stare at you?: all da time
Name the most random, pointless item in your room.: an NBA wrist band
Name a few things you can touch from where you're sitting.: dasani...goldfish...the remote
What happens when you die?: shyt iono why dont i kill u, and u can tell me
Ever been in an airplane? (Are you scared of flying, or do you like it?): yea in my early ages
Rainbows: beautiful, or too happy and gaudy for your tastes?: beautiful
What ancient civilization intrigues you most?: roman empire
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?: bitch i am grown, in skoo workin on dat rite now
Are you apprehensive about the future?: iono
Do you think too much about the past?: yea
Are you good at solving riddles?: hell fuck naw
Do you like to try new things? Do you like change and variety?: this && dat
Ever stayed up for a phone call even though you were tired?: shyt who hasnt?
Ever swam in the ocean?: yup in florida
Pick one: pizza, burger, hotdog, cheesesteak, sub/hoagie/sandwich.: pizza
What's your favourite snackfood?: chips
Do you get the munchies or strange cravings a lot?: yup
Do you drink a lot of water?: naw
"Sammich" or "sandwich"? ...do you like peanut butter and jelly?: sammich, naw haye pb && j
Name one thing that would make you reply, "Bullshit.": dinner
Do you get a lot of exercise? ...and play video games?: if u count walkin around @ wrk
Name a pet peeve of yours.: loud gum chewin
How do you feel that I didn't ask your name?: eboni...i gave it ne wayz punk!
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R&B, Pop, and Rap
All 3 harry potters, All 3 lord of the rings, The pursuit of happyness, All 3 Saws,All the Fridays, Menace II Society, Boys n da Hood, B.A.P.S, Big momma's house 1+2, Smokin Aces, ATL, Roll Bounce, Bad BOyz II, Tyler Perry Plays, Happy Feet, an a shyt load more!!!
College Hill, Adventures in Hollywood, Taquita & Kaui, Rap city, Real world/Road rules challenges, Short Circuitz, Wayans Bros, 106 and Park, Parkers, Flava of love, Flava of love gurlz: charm skoo, I luv ny, The Wire, Dr. G: medical examiner, Mystery Diagnosis, Impact: stories of survival, And any gud movies on lifetime!!
Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, and Fictional
me....me...ma family...and did i mention?...me! lol!