benji is ....... profile picture

benji is .......

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

erica=i have xx chromosomes....benji=really i have xxx chromosomes...erica= so your autistic??benji no you aim------->bikerboybmxer12i like when cute girls talk to me.. ;]

My Interests

playing in walmart and the mall..its sounds kinda dumb but its fun..i also love just the simplest things about life like just walking and so much more fun


anything hardcore,punk, or just all out crazy.. i fuckin hate rap and country though


anything funny




maximum ride series


well there is person who is my hero and her name happens to be christina moore. See the thing is before i met her i thought i was in love but that turned out to be fake.and i was scared to get involved with a girl.but then christina came along and showed me that just because it wasnt real with someone before doenst mean it wont ever be. Well miss Chriistina Moore i have tosayi am falling for at a quick rate and i dont want to stop.this is ended..i still love her and am thankful for being able to. but it is over now because im not worth being with. :D

My Blog

appearently i dont mean shit to....

the one person in the fucking world that i care about and have stood behind and said i would always be there for no matter what. it seems like the only time she talked to me was when she wanted someth...
Posted by benji is ....... on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 07:22:00 PST

mistakes the cause of a living hell

so everyone makes mistakes.but the worst part is that sometimes people are so blinded by anger and theyend up saying things that should never be said.. and sadly i am one of those people, i said alot ...
Posted by benji is ....... on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 01:42:00 PST

the poem that was never given

you came into my life with a made me feel as if i was worth taught me to love again and filled me with happiness and were my best friend and more.but that was before y...
Posted by benji is ....... on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 05:47:00 PST