Video Games, Movies, Music, Anime, Internet stuff, friends, food, trying new things, reading, traveling, sleeping, napping, bean bags.
Do not care seriously, if your cool with me I am cool with you, but if you understand weird and sarcastic humor thats a plus.
In no order, Radiohead, Beatles, Mars Volta, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, Mozart, Nirvana, Green Day, Save Ferris, Beethoven, The Aquabats, Franz Ferdinand, Wynton Marsalies, Louis Armstrong, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Arctic Monkeys, Beirut, John Williams, Danny Elfman, Howard Shore, Chopin, nothing is coming to mind right now but i have way more.
OK my favorite movie Indiana Jones 1, 2, 3, alright these are not in order so...The Lord of The Rings, Gladiator, Star Wars, Terminator, Dumb and Dumber, Kill Bill, Saving Private Ryan, The Pianist, Amadeus, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Being John Malcovich, Hook, Toy Story, Almost all Disney movies, The Matrix, Beavis and Butthead Do America, Troy, Harry Potter, Monsters Inc., Batman, pretty much every single Jackie Chan movie (even the crappy ones) theres endless more but its hard to think of it on the spot...
I watch way more movies then TV but I do have some favorites...Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, Conan O' Brien, Southpark, and of course Beast Wars!!!
My favorites are The Bible, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter series, Eye of the World saga, Tomb Raider comics, but Goosebumps will always stay in my heart.
Jesus, Indiana Jones, Mozart, Batman and Superman, Link, Gordon Freeman, Jackie Chan, and the usual like friends and family.