MURDER SYNDICATE profile picture


About Me

“ With a face melting sound and catchy-as-fuck riffs, Murder Syndicate get the old school Death Metal secretions flowing like too few bands these days. A jolly old, flesh ripping, neck snapping good time!”
Frank Harthoorn - GOREFEST
“Raw, old-school death metal spiced up with bloody shreds of grind - Murder Syndicate know how to kill! I prefer my dish of metal served with brutal and organic riffs and prefer Murder Syndicate over any clean produced, soulless 'modern' death core band any day! This is the new 'old' - Have a slice!”
Angela Gossow - ARCH ENEMY
“Now this is how I like my death metal – no jazz, no math, no core, just raw old-school power with a devastating groove! The production on “Rage and Retribution” is massive, and Wilbert’s vocals sound like he’s regurgitating his guts all over the listener, while Susan plays guitar with more balls than many of her male counterparts. Holland has always spawned some outstanding death metal bands, and Murder Syndicate is definitely one of them!”
Martin Schirenc - PUNGENT STENCH
Professional sounding Death Metal from the south of The Netherlands. "Rage and Retribution" is 40 mins of intense slaughtering which will satisfy your needs! A must for everyone who loves Old-School Death Metal!
____________________________________________________________ _
MURDER SYNDICATE is a death metal band from the Netherlands and was formed by guitarist Susan and vocalist Wilbert (both former members of Desensitised) in March 2008.
Although the band is relatively new, the band members are definitely no rookies!
All of them have over 10 years of experience in the metal scene and have played together with bands such as Arch Enemy, Suffocation, Master, Pungent Stench, Kreator, Vader, Impaled Nazarene and more established acts. Some members have played at renowned festivals such as Party San and Obscene Extreme.
In September 2008 MURDER SYNDICATE recorded their first full length CD "Rage and Retribution" at the Toneshed Studio in Holland. The CD contains 11 bone-crushing, old-school , groovy death metal tracks with a very modern and tight sound.
At the moment the band is looking for a label to release this CD.
Murder Syndicate - video interview July 2008

My Interests


Member Since: 3/12/2008
Band Members: Wilbert Janssen: vocals

Susan Gerl: guitars

Nic Swelsen: bass

Herman Seuren: drums

Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Studio report (update 27 September)

Studio report of the recordings of  "Rage and Retribution" Friday 5 September Today Herman went to the Toneshed Studio to set up his drumkit and adjust his drumsound. Everything went really well...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 10:26:00 GMT

"winner" intro voice

We are very happy that we have found someone who will lend us his voice for the intro of our upcoming CD: Dario Sycco is the lucky one . Out of all people who submitted their MP3s we unanimously felt...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:41:00 GMT

Announcement CD title

Our upcoming CD will be recorded at the Toneshed studio in September 2008. At the moment we are putting the finishing touches to the new material. The title of our new CD is: RAGE AND RETRIBUTION A fe...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 23:25:00 GMT

New songs up soon!

Hi all, As soon as we have finished the recordings we will post a few songs here. It's a bit weird now to start up a My Space page without being able to present to you what we musically stand fo...
Posted by on Sat, 24 May 2008 02:36:00 GMT

Recordings September 2008

We have booked the Toneshed Studio for September 2008. We will record and produce our upcoming CD with Erwin Hermsen (Mangled). More info on the new title and the songs will follow shortly.  
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 23:25:00 GMT