About Me
If we are "myspace friends," it's likely that you enjoy reading and writing, and networking with writers, editors, and publishers, and/or fly fishing.
Author’s Note: Have you ever bought a book based on the blurbs and found yourself skimming? Perhaps that’s when we most crave our favorite authors. But we read faster than our authors can write so inevitably we take chances on unknowns. Sometimes we are pleasantly surprised. Other times, we find ourselves wondering why some books are published at all, and we concoct theories. Maybe it’s technology, word processors like tomato slicers. Or a publishing conspiracy, repetitive scenes designed to increase page count and by extension retail price. Or the slick binding that makes it difficult to distinguish the small publisher from the self-publisher. If we are feeling generous, we might say that the writing style was not to our taste, or the plot twists didn’t interest us, or the main character was a jerk.
While I can’t guarantee you will like Where the River Splits, I can assure you that it was not hastily written. No conspiracy was involved, nor was it self-published. I did use a computer though and, while this is my first published novel, I am not a first-time novelist. I used to sweat over manual typewriters, and I still write drafts longhand. Perhaps because of my experience, I work hard to omit unnecessary scenes so you won’t have to skim.
I hope you enjoy Where the River Splits. If not, maybe you will take pleasure emailing me a scathing review. I can be contacted through my website
PS: Jeffrey Penn May is my birth name. Penn, as may seem obvious, is a family name. However, I’ve never introduced myself by saying, “Hey, hello, I’m Jeffrey Penn May.†That it appears on the cover of this book indicates a lifelong struggle between Jeff May and Jeffrey Penn May.
Not that any of what follows is particularly significant, but I have a degree in English and Psychology, a Masters in Secondary Education, and a Writers Certificate from the University of Missouri. I have won several short fiction awards, including one from Writer’s Digest, and have published articles, short stories, and poems in The Written Word, Libbon, Image, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Education Saint Louis, Great Expeditions Adventure and Travel Magazine, Footnotes, Summit, The Rambler, and others. In addition, I wrote and performed a short story for Washington University Radio and was a consultant to a St. Louis theatre company. One of my novels was published in 2008 by Libros International.
I teach writing and fly-fishing in and around St. Louis, Missouri. So far, I have survived mountain, river, and underground adventures, twenty years of marriage and two children. Visit my website