14 Sunset Way is a reality based collection of short story songs written entirely by Greg himself. Each title is a microchronology containing intimate narrations of real relationships spanning a lifetime. From the joy and anticipation ofmeeting someone new and exciting ( Imagining You ), to the gut wrenching darkness that appears when a world begins tocrumble ( My Umbrella ) to the desperate hope for the rebirth of passion ( Rescue Me ), this album captures a fresh viewof everyday life in a warm and familiar yet sometimes edgy musical soundscape.
The album was produced by Bobby Ferrari and Greg Medoro. The collection features some familiar faces from Greg’s band,including guitarist Pat Navarre, bassist Rafael Ortiz, saxophonist Jim Richmond; organist Michael Loman; vocalists MaryKryha and Joelle. Special guests also included; drummer Henry Soriano, pianist Corky Difini and piano/vocalist CorleneByrd.
“Somewhere between our dreams and the reality of life lies 14 Sunset Wayâ€
-Greg Medoro