Phileas Flash profile picture

Phileas Flash

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Great Scott!!! I thought that I was the only member of the expedition still left alive... Looks like I was right, because it would appear that we've never met before. So pull up a restless native, take the weight off your whiskers and join me in a quick snifter as we talk of times gone by and clocks gone forward.Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Phileas Flash, intrepid explorer, eccentric magician, escapologist, balloon sculpter, owner of incredibly dashing whiskers and all round good egg.Some of the better informed amongst you may be aware of my sane associate, Mr Rupert Appleyard. Unfortunately if you would like to chat with him you'll need to go to his website as there's nobody here but us chicken dippers.So welcome me dearios, welcome to this oasis of insanity in a wilderness of bewilderbeests.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has a stiff upper lip and knows how to wobble it with dignity and has done dazzling deeds of derring do!

My Blog

Flashy and the Ministry of Reshuffling, Repositioning and Rearrangement.

Come closer dearios, for today I shall not raise my voice above the wispiest of whispers, as this tale concerns certain mumblings that should never be spoken out loud, lest one attracts the atten...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 20:13:00 GMT

Great Aunt Agatha and the terrible curse of the warbling wolfhound.

Dearest of  readers, Today (or maybe it was tomorrow) I took a break from adventuring and visited an elderly relative of mine (or yours) in a home for the positively (or negatively) bef...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:59:00 GMT

Twiddles whiskers (a cautionary tale)

Dearest of readers, Now gentle reader it has been some time since we waxed lyrical together, but worry not I am still alive and as kicking as a tea dance  in Frinton-on-Sea.  Since last we s...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 08:27:00 GMT

Gorilla, Gorilla! Flashys leap of faith

Gor-il-la (grl) n Largest of the anthropoid apes (Gorilla Gorilla), native to equatorial Africa. With a stocky body covered in brown or grey hair. Phi-le-as Fl-ash n. A bumbling english...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 20:51:00 GMT