So here it is, Members "The Angelic" Josh Matthews and "The Future" Chris Styles. Josh Matthews has been a professional independent wrestler for 4 years. Chris Styles has been a professional independent wrestler for 8 years. They have been tagging for around half a year, and have great chemistry with each other making them the dominant tag team in most of there matches.
Yes we'll accept friend requests. Yes we read and enjoy receiving messages, BUT we simply don't have time to answer every single message. Especially the ones that have no thought whatsoever put into them. We will not respond to generic messages. We will take interviews but you have to give us time to be able to. Oh, and if you think that by sending multiple messages you're going to get a response, you're wrong. That's a fast track to a press of the "Block User" button.
Also, how do you expect us to accept you as a friend if you have a private profile? The least you can do is message us and explain who you are and why we should add you. If not, don't be surprised when you're denied! This also goes for those folks with no profile picture. Get with the program...
Also, if you want to break into the wrestling business, get trained! We suggest enrolling at the Attitude Wrestling Camp (
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