you impotent fcker profile picture

you impotent fcker


About Me

((crayolar(( Haylo im kieren, ren, hungry hungry hippo's...... im 16 and dont go to skool any more...... i work at pizza hut =/ losser......yeah be ur own pet has to be the best band eva!!!! im never on the computer coz i have to save up for my own laptop =/ ghayy but shouldnt be that much longer?i well love sam king 3 loads but i was a dick to her and now none of her mates like me =/ and her mum prolly dnt like me too!! but i love her all the same tbh! you realli do mean the world to me and i will never let you go. 3 xx

My Interests

i have learned alot of things this year... i dont care about what random people could think about me =/ i havemy good friens and thats all i really need... oh and a gf and once and a while but other then that =] im goin to live life to the full... as gary says u only live once.. might as well do all the things u ever wanted to do.

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Layouts


fall out boy, panic at the disco, the kooks, bullte for my valintine,MCR,we are scientists, HIM , A.F.I, sex pistols, the libertines, babyshambles, the clash, the white stripes, green day.

adopt your own virtual pet!


the nightmaire before christmas, tim burtons corpse bride its all good. DARK CRYSTAL, doged ball, water boy,


STANKAVISION ET LA VIVA LA BAM... my name is earl... family guy... pokemon...Take the quiz:
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger are you?

Pink Ranger
You are the Pink Ranger, you are Kimberly. Your weapon is the power bow, and you are the Pterodactyl and the Firebird.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


My life has been rated:

See what your rating is!
Created by bart666Take the quiz:
What Kind Of Converse Are You?

You are yourself and dont try to be like anyone else. Chances are you enjoy skate boarding,rock music and stuff like that. You have a lot of friends that like you for who you are. You are the original black converse.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Blog

The People I Love The Most

Just some of the people in my life that nakes me happy
Posted by ((crayola((> on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 04:16:00 PST

A girl called Emily

miss emily warr was the one who made me love the cartoon zombie hotel ^_^ she was the one who is always there for me, even and 12 at night i could phone her up and tell her all my problems. she is the...
Posted by ((crayola((> on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 04:00:00 PST


I got new converse
Posted by ((crayola((> on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 04:22:00 PST