I like lots of things. And I take an interest in lots of things. And even if you think you could find something in which I'm totally not interested, I can fake interest in it. So ha! Take that....Unless you're asking me about thermonuclear dynamics of physics. I have no interest in that. Or grain silos.
Were we introduced once and never really got into a rhythm of keeping in touch? I'd like to meet you.Were we good friends but haven't spoken since HS/College/Last month? I'd like to meet you.Are you my best friend that I've known for eons? I'd like to meet you. Well, not meet but...you get the point.Do we work in the same building but have never been really introduced? I'd like to meet you.Are you a total stranger who promises not to freak me out with some sort of odd behavior, be it in sight, sound, or smell? I'd like to meet you.Are you that person from the store this past weekend, where I was waiting in line forever right behind you, and the clerk just couldn't be bothered to actually attend to their register, and wouldn't get off of their cell phone, and then that other person walked right up to the counter and got service, and we both kind of looked at each other like "hey, what's that about?" in that way where two strangers share a moment of recognition, and may never speak again, but years later could still say they had that moment together of just clicking? I'd like to meet you.
I play jazz saxophone, but almost never listen to jazz music. Is that ironic, or does it just make me more of a mystery? I'm guessing neither.I like lots of stuff. I tend to go for rock, alt. whatever, ska, punk (not the hardcore thrash stuff though). I get suckered into having pop music stuck in my head all the time.As far as individual bands, I'm kind of all over the place. I mean I'm not making mix CDs with Enya, Whale, Bad Religion and the Counting Crows on them, but I could, is what I'm saying.
I like movies. I like talking about movies. And I've seen lots of movies, probably even a few you never heard of, for good reason (I spent quite a few years amusing myself with USA Up All Night. Man I loved Rhonda Shear). Do you like movies? Maybe we should talk about movies. Did you see that movie with that guy that was out this summer? Yeah, I thought it rocked too. The point is, I like talking about movies that are great. And I like talking about movies that suck. I especially like talking about movies that are great BECAUSE they suck. I mean, have you seen Starship Troopers? Come on! Cinematic crap at its best.
Television raised me. There will be no harsh words spoken about television in my presence. It is my teacher, my lover, my secret mother. Did you know the average American watches 6 hours of television every day? Do you only watch 2 hours of tv a day, or maybe have friends who only watch that much? Yeah, I'm making up for you people. Got to keep those national averages up. Go TV!!!
I don't read nearly as much as I'd like to, but I would recommend the following: Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. DC Comics' Identity Crisis series (yes, it's a comic book series. No, I don't care what you might think of comic book readers. Seriously, it's good, go read it...or borrow mine). The World According to Garp (can you believe I was assigned this in high school?) Brave New World (I read this like 10 years ago and loved it; I refuse to read it again on the off chance it might suck and I was just deluded back then).
Well there's Superman, and Batman, and Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, but he's kind of fishy. Oh, you meant MY heroes? Um, let me get back to you on that.