People always ask where did I got this name
(From a calendar)
People always ask was my name unique
(not really, everyone has a calendar)
People always ask why my name is hard to pronounce
(and it is not a two word)
People always ask when was this name invented
(back when people wanted to know what month it is)
People always ask what the heck is wrong with my parents
(they are just lazy to name me on what month
I was born)
Well, here is a simple clarification>>>
January [ˈdʒӕnjuəri] noun
the first month of the year, the month following December
Chinese (Traditional): 一月
Czech: leden
Danish: januar
Dutch: januari
Estonian: jaanuar
Finnish: tammikuu
French: janvier
German: der Januar
Hungarian: január
Icelandic: janúar
Indonesian: Januari
Italian: gennaio
Japanese: 1月?
Korean: 1ì›”
Latvian: janv,,ris
Lithuanian: sausis
Norwegian: januar
Polish: stycze,,
Portuguese (Brazil): janeiro
Portuguese (Portugal): janeiro
Romanian: iaÂnuarie
Slovak: január
Slovenian: januar
Spanish: enero
Swedish: januari
Turkish: Ocak ay
and NO i am not FRENCH but we do have
a FRENCH calendar....not really HA HA