...To those that will always remain in our hearts. To those that is in [JAiiL]...and those who [LEFT] this world'!! Your names will always be remember by us...the one's who knew you && loved you!! You guys were like my older brothers...always here and there...always apart of the "HMONG_VAAJ" generations... a history in our head to remember you by!!__No matter near or farr, you'll always be here with us..we will always have each other', though' now your gone...and off alone!! Only a stepp away and a step back!! Your voices will always be heard...nomatter if your in our dreams or a phone called away!! Always will be and forever will be...my cousin'z...other than that my brother's...and my family...not to only me...but all that is around you!! I[LOVE]YOU_guys!!!
*Tony Vang
*Ace Vang
*Lue Vang
*Comidy Vang
Your litlle cousin always: Nyiaj Mai Vang [akaMONiie]
...ToOh Mz_MoNiiE VaNg...
My SuPeR~mAn!!
...When I am Down, He's the one tooh bring me up!! When I am Piss off, He's the one that keep meeh koo's!! When I am Cold, He's the one who holds meeh close to him!! When I shed a Tear, He's the one to wipe away all my Pain!!___he's the one who kan bring meeh the kind Of Happiness No-Other kan!! He's One of a KIND!! Not like other Man's!! He is my everythang, He's my Whule WURLD, He is the other _HALF of me!! He's my Hero, My one and Onlie SUPER~MAN!! The one that will save me when No-Wun's willing too!! The one that will CHASE after meeh till the END of the EARTH!! The one that is willing tooh RISK his whule ENTIRE life fer a GERL like meeh!! He is the onlie MAN that live's in my HEART!! The onlie guy that knoes meeh better than any other fool's that think they know meeh!! He's the LOVE of my LIFE!! The onlie guy that ever makes meeh KRIE, yet LOVED at the same tyme!!__I LOVE This Man, I LOVE hym With all my HEART && SOUL!! NO Niggahs Kan ever REPLACE him!!! Kuss__ He is one of a KIND!!___I LOVE you ERIC LO && alwase!!
!!!My HEROES!!!
...My StRoNgEsT LoVe, OnE oF mY bEsT "HeRoEs"...ThEy SaY ThAt FrEwN_sHiP dUn' LaSt FeReVeR && tHeY kUm && gOe, BuT tHeSe cHiiKKs LaSt WiiHf mEeH SiiNcE wE wAs RoCkiiN' tHem "DiiAPERS", ThAtS rYtE KUDDiiES!! We'Ve beEn ThRu' It AlL!! We ArGuE, We GeT mAdD, We TaLk GeWd ShYt, We MaKe up...&& mOsT oF aLl, We're DoWn TuGeThEr!! WeN eVeR oNe oF uS bYtChEs fAlL, We KaTcHeS EaCh oThER b4 ToUcHiN tHe gRoUnD!! We GhOt eAcH oThEr bAcK aNd We StAnD iNfRuNt oF EaCh OthEr!! HaHa...ThatS wHY We RoLe ThE bEsT && tHe StRoNgEsT!! I'M tHeiR bYtCh && tHeiR mY bYtCh!! We OwN eAcH OtHeR!!_LMAO_YhU tHyNk Yhu KnOe mEeH!!??_HA' ThAt ShYt wAs FaWniiE, KuSs No-WuN kNoE'S mEeH lIkE tHem ByTcHeS dUe!! StArT sHiiTs WiiHf em' Or AnY wUn oF uS, YhU mEsSiN wIhF tHe WhUlE KrEw "NiiGgAh"!! ThAtS rYtE!!! My GeRlS iS ThE BeSt!!_LMAO_ii HeKkA' LuHvEd ThEm GeRlS!! No WuN kAn RePlAcE tHeM...FaWk YeAh Ya' HeArD_ ?? ThAtS wHy ThEm' ByTcHeS bEeH mY fAvOrItE "HEROES"!!!!_LMAO_nOwUn KaN bEeH lIkE uS!!..."FOSHOE KUDDIE!!!!"
--yHuR gErl moniie ...
My BeWtiiFeWl MuThEr'(ChAo XiOnG) && mY bElUhVeD fAtHeR'(ChAnG sUa VaNg)...My GrEaTeSt "HeRoEs" Of AlL...WiTh OuT ThEiiR eXiiStEncE, I wOuLdN'T bEeH hErE TuDaE... ThEy mAde MeEh WhU ii Am yEsTeRdAe && tOmMoRoW!! ThEy TuAgHt mEeH tHe hArD_lIfE, ThE eAsY TyMeS AnD ThE rOuGh TyMEs!!I aM ThE pAiN In ThEiR bUTT && tHe LoVe In ThEiR "HEART"!! ThEiR tHe ReAsOn WhY I lEaRn WhAtS gEwD && bAd, ThE RyTe && wRuNg!! ThO' ThEy KaN BeEh VeRy aNnOyInG && "KnOe It AlL", I STiLl LuHv ThEm...ThEiR JuHsS dUiN thEiR jOb__RyTe!!??_LMAO_I LeArNeD hOw ToOh AcCePt ReaLiTy bEcUaSe oF tHem, I KnOe KuSs ThEy WeNt ThRu' It aLsO, ThE pAiN, SaDnEsS, HeArT~bReAkIn, && MoSt Of AlL uN~LOVED!! My PaReNtS Is My GrEaTeSt "HEROES"...WiTh OuT tHeM...I wOuLd BeEh A No-BoDiiE!! I aM ThE wEaK && tHe StRoNg!! I aM ThE hApPiNeSs Of TheIr LiFe && tHe DiSsApOiNtiNg oF PuTiNg ThEm DoWn!! I ToOh aM WuN oF tHeIr "GREATEST_HEROE"!!__I LOVE yHu MaMa' && PaPa'!! MY "GREATEST HEROE"...
--yHuR dUaGhTeR mAi_NyIaJ vAnG...