Daily Bread of Life, Inc. has a website which details more about future plans and services being provided.
We would like to raise up an army of 10,000 people who are willing to donate $5.00 monthly so that a community of homes for many families can be built. An on-site vo-tech training facility and optional spiritual program are planned as well.
Help is given regardless of race, gender or reason for homelessness. The only requirements are reasonable progress toward self-sufficiency over a 6-10 month period and a willingness to be a good neighbor to others in the program.
Volunteer work is an integral part of the program, as the clients' skills are being updated and pride is taken in helping with the construction of the facilities to be used.
We welcome suggestions and knowledge from other non-profits and grant writers..
Thanks for your visit to this and the "official" site. Supporters can be from any location...one couple is in Germany!
Thanks again for your support,
Daily Bread of Life, Inc. Click Here.
This site is for a Christian ministry. However the cause of homelessness is one that affects the whole society. While some views of friends of this page do not necessarily reflect our own, we appreciate the support that each one provides in donations, prayers and friendship.
Page admin. : E.D.