Hey.. my name is Kara.
Im 17 years old and i am a jounior at Iroquois High School.
When im not at school i like to be with my friends and hangout or act stupid or somthing.
Ive always been mature for my age, so most of the time im being mommy when my friends get too wild or whatever...
as for right now... i dont plan on going college for the simple fact that im lazy.. but im sure that will change before its all said and done...how ever i do plan on going to nursing school sometime after highschool...
i enjoy reading(good books... not lame ones), and listening to music...
my music taste varies from anything like Britney Spears to Three Days Grace or My Chemical Romance.
I have friends from all races... i try to be as opened minded as i can about that...
I am a very girlie person... i like all the frilly things about being a girl...
at times i can be outstandingly funny... others im just freakin lame...
silliness is a must... being off the wall, out of this world random makes my world go round...
and yes the world sucks! but if it didnt we..'d all fall off of it...rite??
even though i AM a teenager i feel like i can relate better w/ adults... i feel like my teachers and coworkers are easier to talk to than my fellow teens...
1 thing is for sure... i HATE MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Kara
Birthdate: 01-21-90
Birthplace: Lozerville,Ky
Current Location: ^still here
Eye Color: greenish bluish gray... or whatever
Hair Color: medium brown... right its in dark brown
Height: 5'5
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius lmao!: shmexy cause it sounds cooler
Random...: most definately
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep
What country do you want to Visit: Ireland
Been to the Mall Lately: yea like 2 days ago
Do you like Thunderstorms: yea.. minus the wind
Shower Daily: most of the time... sometimes im too lazy...
Do you Sing: yea... i love to sing
Want to go to College: not really... money